Cannabis, Lifestyle

Hiking with Cannabis: Dos and Don’ts

hiking with cannabis

When it comes to things to do while stoned, taking a walk or hiking through nature is a long-time favorite. A nice long trail helps you stretch your legs, get in the relaxing zone, and connect with the natural vibe.

However, getting stoned and heading out into the woods is not as simple as it sounds. And unless you make the necessary preparations, the whole experience can quickly go downhill.

What preparations do you ask? Well, read on to find out the top do’s and don’t of hiking with cannabis.

Do – Use an uplifting and energetic strain

It doesn’t matter if you’re walking in the local park, strolling past a lake, or hiking up a mountain, choose an energetic strain. Something that will brighten the colors, lift your mood, and keep you focused on the delights you’ll see around that corner.

Don’t – Use a Bluetooth speaker

Yeah, we all know that it is pretty rude to impose your music on others and ruin their experience, but using a loud Bluetooth speaker will also scare away the wildlife and birds. So if you really need those energetic tracks to power you up that slope, then use a pair of sweat-proof, wireless sports headphones. Wired ones will work too, but they can get stuck to  passing branches quite easily,

Do – Carry extra water

It doesn’t really matter if you’re hiking on a cool or hot day, hiking is always thirsty work. And when you throw some cannabis into it, there’s a high chance that you may run out of water pretty early, especially if you get cottonmouth. Dehydration can lead to headaches, dizziness, confusion, and muscle cramps. And believe us, you don’t want to be dehydrated while you’re stoned and on the trail. 

So carry some extra water with you, even if you’re hiking past water sources. 

Don’t – Stock up on junk food

Hiking may spark up your appetite, and if you’re doing it while stoned, the munchies will surely add more fuel to the fire. And if you’re looking for high-energy snacks that will see you through the miles, that gas station junk food is not the answer. Sure, the fat and sugar found in candy bars, sodas, and fried foods may get you moving, but once it crashes, it’s gonna be a long slog till you get back home.

Instead, buy a pack of trail mix, dried nuts, granola bars, or even chocolate. These nutritious snacks will provide you with steady energy throughout your hike.

Do – Bring extra layers

Temperatures change quickly out in the wild. Sure, it may seem pretty warm now, but it won’t be long before a chilly wind picks up. Plus, if you plan on smoking marijuana, you can bet on your body temperature changing with time too. So why not play it safe, and pack a waterproof outer layer, and a lightweight, poly-fabric underlayer.

Don’t -Toss your joint or bowl in the woods

It does feel nice to step off the trail, sit on a nice log or smooth rock, and light up a joint. It just feels so natural right?

But we’ve gotta be careful. Forests have been getting warmer and drying out in recent years, and even the smallest spark can cause something disastrous.

Do- Stay on the trail

Sure, you’re on a stoned hiking trip because you want to relax and reconnect with nature. And part of that involves letting your mind wander. And sure, it may seem like it at the time, but wandering off the trail is not a good idea, especially if you’re high. The anxiety can really be overpowering and can ruin what you thought was gonna be a relaxing trip.

So use a GPS app, or take a picture of the map display at the gate. Or better still, go hiking with your friends and avoid getting lost altogether.

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