
What are Cannabis Terpenes and What do they do?


Ever wondered what is behind the aroma of your favorite strains? Whether it is the sweet and sour scent of Blueberry OG, or the delicious, minty and nutty cookie-like flavor of Gorilla Cookies, we all know there’s something special going on underneath.

The aromatic chemicals and oils you smell are called terpenes, and they are a big and important part of your cannabis consuming experience. Let’s find out more about them.

What are cannabis terpenes?

Cannabis terpenes can be described as aromatic oils and compounds which provide the cannabis plant with different flavors and scents such berry, citrus, pine and mint.

Like most other strong smelling plants and flowers, the cannabis flower developed terpenes for adaptive purposes – to repel predators and attract pollinators.

Weather, climate, age, soil, and fertilizers all play an important part in the development of terpenes, and can even dictate the type and strength of flavors and aromas they will have. 

As a result, today there are over a hundred different types of terpenes that breeders have identified in the cannabis plant.

But why are terpenes so important? What do they do other than provide different aromas and flavors? 

Let’s take a look.

What do cannabis terpenes do?

While most people think that terpenes are only responsible for providing the smells and flavors we all love so well, the fact remains that they are so much more important than that. In fact, when utilized correctly, they can have quite an interesting and enjoyable impact on your high.

Look at it this way, one of the most common terpenes found in cannabis, as well as lavender, is called myrcene, which is well known for sweet musky scent and its ability to induce relief and calmness. 

Knowing this, a marijuana enthusiast could try and combine this with CBD, an anti-euphoric medicinal compound found in cannabis, to significantly enhance the relaxing and soothing effects of medicinal marijuana.

But in order to enjoy the full potential of cannabis terpenes, you do need to know quite a bit about them. 

The most common cannabis terpenes

1. Pinene

Also called Alpha-Pinene, this is by far the most common cannabis terpene. True to its name, the terpene has a sharp, yet familiar, piney scent. The effects are quite interesting too, as pinene can help improve a person’s breathing ability, sharpen memory, and increase the ability to focus.

2. Caryophyllene

With a sharp peppery and spicy smell, caryophyllene is one of the most useful terpenes present in weed. It has a large number of medicinal benefits, and can be used to treat various sorts of aches and inflammations. 

3. Myrcene

Commonly found in cannabis, mint flowers, and also a large number of fruits, myrcene is perhaps the most loved terpene of them all. It brings a unique, musky, almost mango like taste to the table, and can produce effects of relief and calmness.

4. Limonene

Limonene packs the same citrusy, zesty flavor as the fruit it is named after, and is quite commonly used to treat anxiety and stress.

5. Linalool

You might remember this one from soap commercials, as linalool has an extremely floral and sweet aroma. Additionally, it also possesses relaxing and calming effects.

Now that you know all about the different terpenes present in cannabis, maybe it’s time to experiment! Happy highs!

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